There are various types of framework, whose selection depends on the kind of application, target platform, performance requirement, features requirement and your development expertise. For developing native application for iOS and android, iOS SDk/Xcode and android SDK/Android studio respectively is enough. But for developing hybrid and cross platform application, there are many options and below are some of them.

Ionic : The free and open source framework Ionic is used for developing both native and hybrid cross platform applications. It is one of the most used framework because of its ability to design cross platform application with single common code. No need to maintain different code for different platform. Moreover, it supports best web tools like AngularJS, HTML5, Javascript, Type script and plugins of Apache Cordova(PhoneGap), which allows you to develop the most beautiful and interactive web applications. Moreover, it consists of many other in built features like easy User interface designing components, testing tools, app working preview before launch, application reloading property, etc. Thus, it is a complete tool for getting a progressive and elegant looking application.

Intel XDK : The Intel invented Intel XDK development kit is used for developing native mobile application using Javascript for controlling Internet of thing(IoT) devices. Because of Javascript, mobile applications can easily be created for IoT device. It has support for Apache Cordova plugins and other third party plugins and can target various platforms such as android, iOs, windows 8, FirefoxOS, Chrome OS and Tizen OS. Moreover, it has other properties too like debugging testing on IoT device, simulators, App preview for all platforms, UI component, native API access , etc.

Apache Cordova/Phone Gap : Free and open source framework PhoneGap is used for developing native and cross platform mobile application using HtMl, CSS and Javascript. It is most preferred framework among developers as it offers many features.

Ease in learning it and thus require less time for development.

Common code is used for delivering app for various platforms such as android, iOS, blackberry, windows, Firefox, LGwebOS, ubuntu, FireOS and also provide access to their native API. Thus, it allows you to develop application with rich native look and experience. Also possess other features such as compatibility with other frameworks, IDE, debugger tools, cloud service such as Ionic, OnsenUI, Monaca, Adobe PhoneGap, GapDebug, AppBuilder, Telerik, Cocoon and many more. Thus makes your job easy and can add all required features. Also have more options in terms of plugins like their own core plugins, third party plugins and can also develop your own.

Appcelerator titanium: It is one of the best free and open source framework for developing native applications for cross platforms using java script. At least 60-90% of codes can be shared between apps for different platform. Its IDE is based on Eclipse and allows you to access native iOS and Android API. Thus, it supports languages such as Objective-C, Swift and Java, which can be run along with your titanium code. Because of full integration with their native API, Titanium Appcelerator helps you to provide pure and beautiful native application for various platforms. Moreover, it also offers other features like App designing elements, design preview for each platform, testing app performance, API builder, auto documenting, automatic updating for new versions of OS , Push notifications and many more.

Onsen UI : It is HTMl5 based user interface framework for developing mobile web and hybrid application. You can use Java script or JS based different frameworks like Angular JS, Angular 2, React JS, Vue.js, MeteorJs for developing elegant looking application. It consists of other features like designing components with common code and automatic adaption as per different platform, push notification, cloud through which native SDK components of different platforms can be accessed, Apache Cordova/PhoneGap plugins support, debugger, etc.

Sencha Touch : It is javascript based cross platform framework for developing mobile web application. It is also a complete tool providing designing, development and testing component with reusable code for every platforms. It is best in providing more responsive and interactive application than other frameworks. ExtJS in Sencha touch provides integrated and tested HTML5 UI component, which allows you to provide high performing web application. It’s IDE supports many other IDE plugins such as JetBrains(IntelliJ Idea, WebStorm, PHPStorm, Rubymine, Pycharm), Video studio, eclipse, video studio code. MVC based framework allows both backend and frontend development to work independently.

Xamarin : It is C# based framework for developing native application for different platforms. It also works with uniform code for all platforms and has access to each native API and hardware functionalities thus delivers application that has pure native like look and performance. It also supports other libraries like SQLite, json.Net, ReactiveUI. It also constitutes of cloud testing and analytics of app performance.

Monaca : It is cloud based development platform for Apache Cordova for developing HTML 5 based hybrid mobile application. It contains every component of Cordova in cloud such as Cordova IDE, Cordova API, debugger tool, Cordova Supported backend, UI component, testing tools, etc. Along with Cordova, it also integrates with OnsenUI and Ionic framework and supports plugins for any javascript based framework such as jQuery, ReactJS, AngularJS1, Vue.js, Angular2 and meteor. It also supports visual studio, thus can get access to all platform specific features too.

Bootstrap : It is HTML, CSS and Javascript based free and open source framework for developing responsive websites and mobile web applications. It is rated high among all other frameworks. The current version of bootstrap is 4.0, which has themes from bootstrap3 and newly added of bootstrap 4. Right now it is build in alpha but soon will come with beta build themes. They have also made some changes from version 3.

Removed support to Internet explorer 8,9 and iOS9.

Removed Glyphicons component.

Replaced less with sass.

It supports flex box.

j query plugins and documentation are supported by Bootstrap version 4.

Moreover, It also supports HTML and CSS components, thus have varieties of design component to deliver attractive application. Like other frameworks, It also maintains uniform code to deliver app for different device. Thus faster development and ultimately reaches market early.